Tuesday, April 13, 2010

"I'm Dick Tracy's little brother, Vagina Tracy."

Wow, it's been a while since I posted. But I don't feel like that much has happened, other than weird dreams and such.
For Easter Sunday, we had a few friends over for dinner. It was much smaller than last year, but still very fun. And we had a soccer game that evening. After having such a big dinner, we all thought we'd play terribly. But the other team must have eaten more than we did, because we won! Shane played goalie, and he was fantastic. There were so many shots that should have gone in, but he blocked them all. Some of them he just managed to push away with his fingertips. It was beautiful. And I played pretty well, too. I actually still have bruises on my shin from a shot I took. Two of the other girls also got whacked. Casey even had a print of the ball on her arm. Ouch. Didn't matter though. We won!
Our poor kitty, though, has had to go to the vet twice now. We took him in because we noticed that he stopped jumping as much. Instead of jumping onto a chair, he'd put his claws into it and pull himself up. When we took him to the vet (a very traumatic experience--I've never heard those noises from him before) it turned out he was running a fever as well. So Court (the vet--we play broomball with him and are friends with his daughter) gave us some antibiotics for him, and we got him a rabies shot while we were there since he goes outside. And really, the rabies shot is almost unnecessary because it's rare for animals up here to have rabies. They just don't live long enough to spread it. (Most incidents of rabies that have been documented are domestic pets from out of state spreading it to other domestic pets.) Anyway, we took him home and thought he was getting a bit better for a little while. But yesterday we realized that not only is he not getting better, he's been using his hind legs even less, losing muscle and losing weight because he can't jump up to where his food is. And of course we can't put it lower, because then the dog would eat it. Poor kitty! So we took him back to the vet yesterday. Now that it's gotten worse, Court thinks it might be a lower spinal kind of injury. He said that if Zap was an old cat, he would automatically tell us that it's a ruptured disk. But since he's so young, it could be a trauma injury. But he still has the fever, which is odd. So now he's started on different antibiotics (a different class) and a steroid. And he's got another appointment for tomorrow. I'm nervous about taking him by myself, considering the clawing I got yesterday. But I hope he gets better!
Pepper, of course, is totally jealous about all the attention he's been getting. And she's been a brat about eating her kibble. She barks at it, hoping it will suddenly transform into something better. But of course, if the kitty goes near it to drink out of the water dish, she growls at him and puts her face in her dish. She still doesn't eat it, but she blocks him from the possibility of eating her kibble. Stupid dog.
I started running again! Only a couple of times, but I'm excited. And I've gotten to ride my bike several times. I totally want to ditch the truck entirely this summer. But I'll need to buy a cart thing for groceries. I'm not sure yet how expensive those are. But it would be so cool to not be dependent upon a vehicle for the summer.
I killed my blueberry plant by leaving it outside overnight. Now I need to get another one.

1 comment:

  1. all this in a recap, and yet you didn't mention your bagels or beautiful cheese making! :)
