Sunday, January 15, 2012

Sunday total

It's -45 here and the whole town is blanketed in ice fog. I was going to run some errands today, but unsure if the truck would actually start. At least I have the day off tomorrow!
Yesterday was also super cold, but we escaped to the hills where it tends to be warmer (it was only -20) to visit with J's parents. One of their dogs died on Thursday. He was both a sweet animal and a working dog. Because they're remote, there's more of a chance of wild animals encroaching on their property. Jake kept the coyotes away from their cat and kept them safe from bears when they went to their (even more remote) cabin, among other things. Their only consolation now is that he went quickly (his heart gave out) rather than having a long, slow wasting away. Poor guy. He will be very much missed. They're discussing calling the shelter soon and trying to find another dog. And because of their situation, they absolutely don't want a puppy and that means one more older, less adoptable dog will find a great home.
Our total for this week was about $50. All we picked up were a few apples, more milk, butter, tea, and one or two other small things. I've been continuing my project of actually eating what we have in our freezer, so I made more pumpkin waffles yesterday and I'm making a gingered rhubarb crisp for tonight, when we'll be going to a friend's apartment for dinner. (If you follow the recipe, I've never actually done it with the apples because we eat apples too fast in our house. It's amazing with just the rhubarb and ginger.)
I have a snuggly cat, a good book to read, some hot tea, and another day off tomorrow. Life doesn't get much better than that.

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